Thursday, October 13, 2011


Three pictures, because I care:

At first I was not so happy about walking to work this morning in the dark, then I saw the sunrise and decided it was okay.

This house/these houses are behind chez moi and I really love them. Especially on this day when there was smoke coming out of the chimney and it was a super gray day.

I drew uniforms of different professions for the elementary kids. They are currently preparing a project for the mediatheque (library, more or less) in which they dress up in their parents' occupations' clothing. So I drew these to show some American uniforms and teaching them police officer/doctor/firefighter/cowboy and mailman (not pictured). Next week, when I cover Halloween I'll use them again. Perfect!


  1. OKWHAT. I totally thought you printed out those profession uniforms from some template somewhere. Maybe you should teach an art class, too. :D

  2. haha an art class about how to draw creepy right arms

  3. It's weird, in Europe in the dead of winter it won't get light out until like's already starting.

    Don't you hate waking up when it's still dark out? It's so unnatural!

    Ps- you draw really well!
