Monday, November 7, 2011

In which I ramble... a lot

I forgot to say a lot of things in this video... but I managed to fill up over ten minutes anyway. Sorry not sorry. I'm alive and slowly making a few French amis. It has become time where I need to stop acting like a newb in front of the actual teachers.

Classroom things:
- Currently preparing a lesson on Thanksgiving for the 6èmes (the littlests at the collège)
- Had a semi successful failure at teaching family words to one of the primaire classes. In class, it didn't seem like they were getting what I was teaching at all... but then they remembered everything today! I was amazed!.. and very, very happy. *
- Learned another baller Hello/What's your name song. I'm so cool.
- May have been exposed to a French form of pig latin.... the girl asked me if I spoke, what sounded to me like, Javanese. Uh... non. I am the English assistant. Then she started going off in something that her friend could understand. They looked pretty typically French, hence my doubts.

The Bordeaux pics will (or won't) be posted eventually. It was raining most of the time so they're not quite as jolie as I'd like.

I am now a card carrying member of the Leclerc loyalty family. It's like having a Kroger plus card only I'm not sure when the savings start to kick in.... Ah la France.

Massive bisous,



  1. You should definitely talk up Thanksgiving. For some reason, I am now involved with four Thanksgiving potlucks, and I'm so sad that you will not be here for any of them. :(
    Glad to see you're semi-successfully failing, though! Love you and miss you!
    PS - i recognize that chartres 2008 picture!

  2. I am so jealous!! Send me pictures of the food so that I can salivate over delicious 'murrican food. I'm going to one (probably) legit Thanksgiving the weekend after and doing dinner the day of.

    Posted lots today fo youuu.

    Love love love. Ps send me your new email addy?
